An 18 Wheeler Accident is different than a typical motor vehicle accident because it usually involves more serious injuries, more severe property damage, more responsible parties, and different state and federal highway regulations.
An accident involving an 18 wheeler also typically means more skilled legal opponents against the injured party, because trucking companies and their insurance companies have armies of attorneys paid to find ways to diminish the value of the injured party’s claim. The trucking company has plenty of attorneys to fight for them, but who will fight for you?
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident with an 18 wheeler, or if you are a family member of someone killed in an 18 wheeler accident, you need immediate legal representation to protect your rights.
With offices in Oxford, Mississippi and Tupelo, Mississippi, the Brad Morris Law Firm can provide the legal representation you need, right here at home in North Mississippi.
It is important to contact an 18 Wheeler Accident Attorney if you were injured in an accident involving any type of commercial vehicle, including:
– 18 Wheeler Truck
– Semi-Tractor Trailer
– Dump Trucks
– Lowboy
– Bob-Tail Truck
– Tanker Truck
– Refrigerator Truck
– Flat Bed Truck
– Logging Truck
Buses are also considered commercial vehicles, but they haul people rather than cargo. These may include:
– Municipal Buses
– Passenger transportation Buses such as Greyhound;
– Shuttle Buses which transport passengers to and from events; and,
– Commuter buses.
If you live near the Tupelo, Mississippi area, or anywhere in Mississippi, and have been injured by an 18 wheeler, a big rig, or a bus, call The Brad Morris Law Firm NOW and let us get started on your claim. We do not get paid unless you get paid!