Common Mistakes During a Bus Accident Case
Watch this video about the common mistakes during a bus accident case in Mississippi. Then call the Brad Morris Law Firm for a free review.Question:
What are common mistakes people make after a bus accident?Answer:
When it comes to claims for bus accidents, some of the common mistakes that people make that I see here in my practice in Mississippi, are not getting treatment or following up on medical treatment if it’s situation where it’s less than a catastrophic injury. When buses are involved in wrecks, unfortunately the injuries involved are typically more severe – catastrophic injury, death, or pretty severe injury – so most folks in that situation are going to get emergency medical treatment. Common across all personal injury claims, just a mistake that people frequently make is not getting follow-up treatment and not following doctor’s directions. I have to raise that point as something that you don’t want a victim to do. Not getting the medical treatment that you need is a mistake you want to avoid.
Secondly, I think probably the biggest mistake people make, in terms of bus wreck claims or bus accident claims, is that, invariably, when a bus wreck happens, it makes the news, and there are lawyers out there – and I’ll say without commenting on the practice, but there are lawyers out there who show up at the doorstep or send people knocking on the door of victims and their families trying to sign up the case. To the other extreme, victims and their families sometimes look to attorneys with whom they have an existing relationship— maybe they’ve done a will for them or they’ve done some real estate deeds, or handled a bankruptcy or handled their divorce. The reality is what a victim of a bus wreck really needs is competent legal representation by an attorney and firm that litigates personal injury cases every day and that hopefully doesn’t have to go knocking on doors to get them. I think a common mistake is either putting trust into an attorney or representation that is a complete stranger that just shows up or, on the other hand, trusting in an attorney and representation that you may have a relationship with, that may be very effective counsel on other matters for you, but who just doesn’t have experience and doesn’t work daily in personal injury litigation.
Were you or a loved one injured on a bus in Mississippi and have questions about the common mistakes during a bus accident case? Contact the experienced Mississippi personal injury attorney, Brad Morris, today for a free consultation and case evaluation. We are passionate about helping our clients get the compensation they deserve. Like Us on Facebook Out of Town Resources These Melbourne Bus Accident Lawyers have done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a bus accident claim in Melbourne, we recommend you take a look at their website.